Best Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss By Fitness Tip


Best Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss By Fitness Tip

Best Indian Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Are you trying to lose weight and want the greatest Indian diet plan?  The rules are simple.

All you have to do is start eating the right food. This may seem like a big challenge, given our food culture and dietary habits. For instance, we consume a lot of potatoes, rice, and sweets in Indian cuisine, which makes it heavy in sugar and carbs.

We also love our snacks and can’t imagine a day without namkeen and bhujia. We encourage our friends and family to eat more as a sign of hospitality and affection, and refusing, as an extra helping, is a kind of help. However, the health status of India is now alarming. According to the NFHS (2019-2021), one in every four people in India is obese. Looking at the data, it is important to know that being overweight or obese can increase the risk of diabetes, liver disease, heart disease, and even cancer.

Understand the Science Behind Weight Loss

Weight loss and gain revolve around calorie consumption and expenditure. Simply put, you lose weight when you consume fewer calories than you expend and you gain weight when you consume more calories than you burn.

To shed those extra kilos, all you need to do is eat within your calorie budget and burn the required calories.

However, it is not enough to just determine how many calories your body needs. While two samosas (550 calories), three cheese pizza slices (450 calories) and three gulab jamuns (450 calories) may fit into your daily 1500 calorie requirement, these junk food items are extremely harmful for you. hin your daily 1500 calorie intake, these poor meal choices will eventually cause other health issues including elevated blood sugar and cholesterol.

To lose weight in a healthy way, you also need to ensure that your diet plan is balanced i.e. includes all the food groups and provides you with all the necessary nutrients for good health.


The amount of calories eaten and expended determines weight management. An individual must expend more calories than they take in in order to lose weight. Maintaining a calorie deficit is important for weight loss. There is also variation in the kind of calories. The best way to lose weight is to eat a balanced diet according to your needs. 

Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Men & Women

Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Men & Women

No single food item provides all the nutrients the body needs to stay healthy.

That is why a balanced diet consisting of macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats as well as micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals is recommended.

The five main food groups are included in the ideal Indian diet for weight loss.

1200 Calorie Weight Loss Sample Diet Plan for Men & Women

There is a lot to be said about what an ideal diet chart includes. However, a person's nutritional needs vary depending on various factors. It may change depending on the gender.

Geography can also play a role, North Indian diets are quite different from South Indian diets. Hence, food preferences become important here as the food consumed by a vegetarian or vegan is quite different from the one consumed by a non-vegetarian.

However, we have created an ideal diet plan for weight loss with Indian food. This 7-day diet plan also known as the 1200-calorie diet plan is a sample, and no person should follow it without consulting a nutritionist.

Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart – Day 1

  • A
  • After starting your day with cucumber water, have oats porridge and mixed nuts for breakfast.
  • After this, have dal and carrot peas sabzi with roti for lunch.
  • Follow this by having dal and gourd sabzi and roti for dinner.

Day 1 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)
8:00 AM Oats Porridge in Skimmed Milk (1 bowl)


Mixed Nuts (25 grams)

12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)
2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
2:10 PM Dal(1 katori)Gajar Matar Sabzi (1 katori)


Roti (1 roti/chapati)

4:00 PM Cut Fruits (1 cup) Buttermilk (1 glass)
5:30 PM Tea with Less Sugar and Milk (1 teacup)
8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
9:00 PM Dal (1 katori) Lauki Sabzi (1 katori)


Roti (1 roti/chapati)

Chart for a Weight Loss Diet Plan: Day 2

  • On the second day, have mixed vegetable stuffed roti with curd for breakfast. 
  • For lunch, have half a bowl of methi rice with dal sabzi. 
  • After this, end your day with fried vegetables and green chutney. 

Day 2 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)
8:00 AM Curd (1.5 katori) Mixed Vegetable Stuffed Roti (2 pieces)
12:00  PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)
2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
2:10 PM Lentil Curry (0.75 bowl) Methi Rice (0.5 katori)
4:00 PM Apple (0.5 small (2-3/4″ dia)) Buttermilk (1 glass)
5:30 PM Coffee with Milk and Less Sugar (0.5 tea cup)
8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
9:00 PM Sauteed Vegetables with Paneer (1 katori) Roti (1 roti/chapati)


Green Chutney (2 tablespoon)

Chart of a Weight Loss Diet Plan: Day 3

  • Day 3 breakfast will consist of multigrain toast and skim milk yogurt.
  • In the afternoon, have fried vegetables with paneer and some green chutney.
  • Half a bowl of methi rice and some dal curry to ensure that your day ends on a healthy note.

Day 3 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)
8:00 AM Skim Milk Yoghurt (1 cup (8 fl oz)) Multigrain Toast (2 toast)
12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)
2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
2:10 PM Sauteed Vegetables with Paneer (1 katori) Roti (1 roti/chapati)


Green Chutney (2 tablespoon)

4:00 PM Banana (0.5 small (6″ to 6-7/8″ long)) Buttermilk (1 glass)
5:30 PM Tea with Less Sugar and Milk (1 teacup)
8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
9:00 PM Lentil Curry (0.75 bowl) Methi Rice (0.5 katori)

Chart for a Weight Loss Diet Plan: Day 4

  • Day 4 start with a fruit and dry fruit yogurt smoothie and egg omelette
  • Follow it with moong dal, bhindi ki sabzi and roti.
  • Finish the day with boiled rice and palak chole. 

Day 4 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)
8:00 AM Fruit and Nuts Yogurt Smoothie (0.75 glass)


Egg Omelette (1 serve(one egg))

12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)
2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
2:10 PM Green Gram Whole Dal Cooked (1 katori) Bhindi sabzi (1 katori)


Roti (1 roti/chapati)

4:00 PM Orange (1 fruit (2-5/8″ dia)) Buttermilk (1 glass)
5:30 PM Coffee with Milk and Less Sugar (0.5 teacup)
8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
9:00 PM Palak Chole (1 bowl) Steamed Rice (0.5 katori)


Weight Loss Diet Plan Chart – Day 5

  • On the fifth day, have a glass of skimmed milk and pea poha for breakfast. 
  • For lunch, have missi roti with low fat paneer curry. 
  • Roti, curd, and aloo baingan tamatar ki sabzi are a great way to end the day. 

Day 5 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)
8:00 AM Skimmed Milk (1 glass) Peas Poha (1.5 katori)
12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)
2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
2:10 PM Low Fat Paneer Curry (1.5 katori) Missi Roti (1 roti)
4:00 PM Papaya (1 cup 1″ pieces) Buttermilk (1 glass)
5:30 PM Tea with Less Sugar and Milk (1 teacup)
8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
9:00 PM Curd (1.5 katori) Aloo Baingan Tamatar Ki Sabzi (1 katori)


Roti (1 roti/chapati)

Weight loss diet plan chart – Day 6

  • On the sixth day, have idli and sambhar for breakfast
  • For lunch, have roti and aloo baingan tomato sabzi with curd
  • To end the day 6, have green gram with roti and bhindi sabzi

Day 6 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)
8:00 AM Mixed Sambar (1 bowl) Idli (2 idli)
12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)
2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
2:10 PM Curd (1.5 katori) Aloo Baingan Tamatar Ki Sabzi (1 katori)


Roti (1 roti/chapati)

4:00 PM Cut Fruits (1 cup) Buttermilk (1 glass)
5:30 PM Coffee with Milk and Less Sugar (0.5 tea cup)
8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
9:00 PM Green Gram Whole Dal Cooked (1 katori)Bhindi sabzi (1 katori)


Roti (1 roti/chapati)

Chart for a Weight Loss Diet Plan: Day 7

  • On the seventh day, start with Besan Cheela and Green Garlic Chutney.
  • Have boiled rice and palak chole for lunch.
  • End the week on a healthy note with low-fat paneer curry and missi roti.

Day 7 Diet Chart

6:30 AM Cucumber Detox Water (1 glass)
8:00 AM Besan Chilla (2 cheela) Green Garlic Chutney (3 tablespoon)
12:00 PM Skimmed Milk Paneer (100 grams)
2:00 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
2:10 PM Palak Chole (1 bowl) Steamed Rice (0.5 katori)
4:00 PM Apple(0.5 small (2-3/4″ dia)) Buttermilk (1 glass)
5:30 PM Tea with Less Sugar and Milk (1 teacup)
8:50 PM Mixed Vegetable Salad (1 katori)
9:00 PM Low Fat Paneer Curry (1 katori) Missi Roti (1 roti)

Balanced Diet Plans for Weight Loss – Men & Women

Making Diet Chart At the same time, it is important to ensure that the food you eat is balanced and you get all the nutrients your body needs. So, make sure you include the following nutrients in your diet plan.

1. Carbohydrates

Carbs are the body's main source of energy and make up half of your daily calorie requirement.Still, it's critical to select the appropriate kind of carbohydrates.

For example, simple carbs like bread, biscuits, white rice and wheat flour are high in sugar and are bad for you. Instead, choose complex carbs that are high in fibre and packed with nutrients.

Read more: The essential guide to a low-carb diet

This is because fibre-rich complex carbs are difficult to digest, making you feel full for longer and are therefore the best choice for weight management. Brown rice, oats and millets like ragi, jowar and bajra are all good complex carb options.

2. Proteins

Most Indians do not consume enough protein every day. This is a problem, as proteins are essential for building and repairing body tissues, muscles, cartilage and skin and helping in better blood flow.

A high-protein diet can also help you lose weight and build muscle – which burns more calories than fat.

Read More: Protein-Rich Foods – Vegetarian Diet Plan, Benefits & Recipes

For instance, about 30% of your diet should be made up of protein in the form of whole pulses (rajma, chickpeas, lobia, green gram), paneer, chickpeas, milk, eggs, lean meat or sprouted grains. Taking a dose of protein with every meal is a must.

3. Fats

Fats, the notorious food group, are essential for the body as they help produce hormones, absorb vitamins and provide energy.

Experts suggest that a fifth or 20% of your diet should be made up of healthy fats – polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids. Research has also proven that taking a healthy approach to your fat diet plan would be beneficial.

For instance, using a combination of oils for different meals – including olive oil, rice bran oil, mustard oil, soybean, sesame, sunflower and peanut oil – with butter and ghee in limited quantities is the most optimal way to consume fat. But, you should avoid trans fats found in fried snacks and baked items at all costs.

4. Vitamins and Minerals

The body depends on vitamins A, E, B12, D, calcium, iron, and other elements to maintain bone health, neuron and muscle function, metabolism, and cell division.

A diet high in fruits and vegetables is advised by experts and nutritionists to increase vitamin and mineral consumption.

5. Indian Weight Loss Diet Plan Food Swaps

One of the easiest ways to eat healthy is to replace unhealthy foods from your Indian diet plan with its healthy alternatives.

For example, eat air-popped popcorn or whole wheat khakhra instead of eating a packet of potato chips.

Along with a balanced weight loss diet chart plan, these habits will help you stay healthy:

  • Eat 5-6 times a day: Instead of three large meals, try having three small meals in controlled portions and a few snack breaks during the day. Eating your meals at regular intervals prevents acidity and bloating and also prevents hunger. So, quit the junk food habit by choosing healthy snacking options in your Indian diet plan.

  • Eat dinner early: Indians tend to eat dinner late compared to other societies around the world. Since the metabolism slows down at night, eating late can lead to weight gain. It is advised by experts to have your final meal of the day by 8 p.m.

  • Drink lots of water: How does drinking more water help you lose weight? For starters, it has zero calories. Plus, drinking a glass of water reduces hunger. Drink six to eight glasses of water daily to lose weight and also check out a list of drinks that will help you lose weight here.

  • Eat lots of fibre: A person needs at least 15 grams of fibre every day, as it aids digestion and heart health. Oats, lentils, flax seeds, apples and broccoli are some of the best sources of fibre.

 Fitness Tip Suggestion

When trying to lose weight, the most common question is which diet plan one should follow. There are so many fad diets and myths around food that planning a diet can seem like a chore!

Since many factors such as age, gender, physical activity, allergies and food preferences can affect your diet plan, it is best to consult a nutritionist who can create a safe and effective plan for you.

Any diet plan should be sustainable, not too restrictive or expensive, and include locally available seasonal foods. Along with a personalized exercise routine, a good diet plan will definitely help you reach your goals


The diet plan should include all the macro and major micronutrients to meet the body requirements. Remember, all bodies are different and have different needs too, so what may suit or work for one may not be the same for another. Therefore, it is best to get customized guidance on diet plans and exercise regimes to achieve your goal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • What is the 7 day challenge diet?

  • What is the diet chart for weight loss?

  • Which Indian food is best for weight loss?

  • What is the most effective weight loss diet?

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